Boxing Coach
What do they talk about in the corner? Do you think Logan Paul knows about the cow move?
Written, Directed, & Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Misha Kaz, Jack Dominick, and Eddie Dougrou
What do they talk about in the corner? Do you think Logan Paul knows about the cow move?
Written, Directed, & Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Misha Kaz, Jack Dominick, and Eddie Dougrou
This “Walking in Memphis” parody explores what it’s like trying to find a bathroom in Midtown Manhattan.
Written, Directed, & Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Tyler J. Oakley, Roxie Pell, Katherine Coleman, Misha Kaz, and Jason Wildhagen
We all love to shop local, but this small town bakery isn’t making it easy.
Written, Directed, & Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Katherine Coleman, Misha Kaz, Eoin Wenger, and Jack Dominick
Check out this trailer for 23, a biopic exploring the creation of America’s most misunderstood soft drink.
Written, Directed, and Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Jack Dominick, Misha Kaz, Tyler J. Oakley, and Tiffany Springle
Best Boy: Nathan Coleman
Sometimes ya gotta break out the good stuff for a dinner party: commemorative Yankee Stadium dish ware!
Written, Directed, and Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Jack Dominick, Roxie Pell, Nick Phillips, Julia Schroeder, and Katherine Coleman
With special thanks to Charlotte Otremba
Let’s make GPS more personal.
From The Writers Room Season 1, Episode 1
Written, Directed, and Edited by Katherine Coleman
Starring Laura Ornella, Eoin Wenger, Tyler J. Oakley, Roxie Pell, Katherine Coleman, Charlotte Otremba, Elaine Romanelli, Erica Diederich, Jake Lewis, Misha Kaz